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Monday, September 14, 2009

Low Cost Individual Health Insurance: Ways To Lower Costs

A cheap individual health insurance rate can be achieved in many ways. Nevertheless, some of them might put you at risk. However, in this article, I'll take you through a few proven ways of paying less while you have sufficient coverage....

1. Professions that are seen a hazardous get more expensive individual health insurance premiums. Choosing a non-hazardous vocation will reduce your premium by a considerable margin. If your profession exposes you to toxic substances, for example, your rates will be much more than that paid by a similar profile who maybe works as a receptionist in a shop.

2. What amount can you pay out of your pocket each time you visit the doctor? This is known as your co-pay. The higher your co-pay, the more affordable your premium will be. You're especially encouraged to opt for a high co-pay if you see a doctor just once in a very long period.

3. Group plans are cheaper than personal plans. Don't miss it if you're in an institution that offers you the option of using a group plan as it typically implies that you'll pay less. This should be of special interest to elderly persons, smokers or obese persons who typically have to pay high premiums.

You will also get some respite in a group plan if you have to pay very high health insurance rates because of a pre-existing medical condition. Give a group plan careful thought if you really want lower rates.

4. While looking for cheap individual health insurance make sure that you don't get carried away by just the most affordable rate. You should be wary of a very low quote that does not offer you the desired value. Depending on your profile, you can get very low quotes that give you the quality you are after if you shop well. But be willing to pay a little more if required to buy adequate coverage.

5. You'll pay less for health insurance if you're not rigid in your choice of health care providers. The reason for this is that you may be required to restrict yourself to doctors and hospitals in a specific network in order to enjoy very cheap rates. You'd compelled to stop visiting your favorite health care provider if he or she doesn't belong to that network.

But while you're being flexible don't compromise your health for anything.

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