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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Steps To Cheaper Health Insurance

Even though you can pay less by reducing your coverage, it is not recommended if it compromises you and yours. You can, however, easily pay much less without reducing the scope of your coverage if you know and implement the right tips. Let's look deeper into this...

1. You will get more expensive rates just because your line of duty exposes you to much hazards. You'll attract less expensive rates if you quit a hazardous line of duty for a safe one. If your work exposes you to toxic substances, for example, your premiums will be much more than that given to a comparable profile who probably works as a receptionist in a bank.

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2. The amount you're willing to contribute to payments for each time you see the doctor has an effect your premium. This is what is called your co-pay for those who don't know already. Raising your co-pay lowers your rates. You're particularly encouraged to choose a high co-pay if you see your doctor only once in a very long while.

3. This is an issue that may not concern most folks but is still worth mentioning...

Apart from the fact that you're putting your life at risk, using banned or yet-to-be-approved drugs will raise you premium. And where the use of certain drugs is approved, abusing them will as well make you pay much higher rates. Steer clear of self-medication also and you will definitely get lower rates than folks who do not.

4. Some individuals find themselves in a situation where they are not eligible for Medicaid and as well have great difficulty paying for standard health insurance. If you are one of such, then you can reduce your budget for health care by going for a discount medical card. So what is it?

With these cards you are given medical attention from a network of health care professionals who have agreed to provide their services to card carriers at lower rates. Such cards aren't managed by any health insurance carrier.

If you have been disqualified from regular health insurance because of your medical history or think your rate is too expensive then you can lower your spend by making use of this type of card. One advantage of a discount medical card is that everybody can use it. All you are expected to do is pay a cheap monthly fee and you will be eligible to use the services of a network of health care providers at a lower rate.

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5. If you take advantage of phone med services you would have done a lot to bring down your costs. A phone med service operates 24 hours daily and gives free medical advice. You have a minimum of a registered nurse with not less than 10 years experience on hand to give you free medical advice you can trust. You'll as well receive free medical help by calling local medical clinics.

Although this does not take the place of visiting a doctor, they can really lower your cost by bringing down the number of visits you make to a doctor.

Furthermore, you get timely help that could help you take care of certain issues before they get out of hand. This is compelling enough for you to use them even if they don't help you reduce your rates.

6. It will cost you far less and reduce your costs if you buy your prescriptions over the internet. You can also get cheaper prices if you buy by phone. Companies who sell through the internet have lower outlays than brick and mortar businesses and this means that they can and (do sell) at lower prices. But if you've chosen to buy online try to find out a little about whom you're buying from because there are wolves on the internet. It's very easy to do this by making use of a resource like BBB.

While we want to reduce our health care costs we also need to ensure that we safeguard our lives.

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7. An easy but effective way of lowering your rate is by authorizing an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). This process authorizes your bank to credit your insurer with your payments without any intervention from you until you stipulate otherwise. This saves the insurance company in many ways such as removing the cost of mailing payment notices and the cost of processing checks. Your premium is therefore lowered in line with the cheaper cost of providing insurance to you.

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