Medical discount cards seem to be everywhere these days and are being promoted heavily online. It is important to know that they do not provide health insurance coverage, and many have been misled by the advertisements. In some cases the deception almost seems intentional. Medical discount cards provide the ability to receive a discount on some medical services through service providers, but you are still liable for the the bill.
These medical discount cards do not in fact pay anything, they only act as a go between to allow you to receive a discount from certain providers. Basically, how it works is that the providers agree to provide a discount to members of the plan, and of course, in exchange their name is added to their list of discount providers offering them, if you will some free advertisement.
You purchase the card and usually pay a monthly fee for the right to use these providers at lesser cost. The card does give you some discounts that you wouldn't receive if you didn't have it. As long as you understand the nature of the card, you will benefit in the long run.
These discounts usually only apply for routine exams and procedures, and do not offer any type of hospitalization or other forms of trauma care. This can be a big deal if you dont have any other back up health insurance plan or other health care option. And another problem with these plans is that many times they advertise discounts of up to 50%, however most providers only offer a 10% to 20% discount. This can be a big let down, when you are having services performed.
This is not to say that these cards are not a good deal, they definitely are, especially if you only carry catastrophic health insurance coverage, or are a completely private pay patient. If this is the case, then these plans are designed specifically with you in mind. And even some insurance customers find that these cards are very helpful to them, especially if they have a high deductible. For a minimal cost, these medical cards can provide you with some good discounts, but don't be misled, because these cards are not meant to replace major medical insurance.
These medical discount cards do not in fact pay anything, they only act as a go between to allow you to receive a discount from certain providers. Basically, how it works is that the providers agree to provide a discount to members of the plan, and of course, in exchange their name is added to their list of discount providers offering them, if you will some free advertisement.
You purchase the card and usually pay a monthly fee for the right to use these providers at lesser cost. The card does give you some discounts that you wouldn't receive if you didn't have it. As long as you understand the nature of the card, you will benefit in the long run.
These discounts usually only apply for routine exams and procedures, and do not offer any type of hospitalization or other forms of trauma care. This can be a big deal if you dont have any other back up health insurance plan or other health care option. And another problem with these plans is that many times they advertise discounts of up to 50%, however most providers only offer a 10% to 20% discount. This can be a big let down, when you are having services performed.
This is not to say that these cards are not a good deal, they definitely are, especially if you only carry catastrophic health insurance coverage, or are a completely private pay patient. If this is the case, then these plans are designed specifically with you in mind. And even some insurance customers find that these cards are very helpful to them, especially if they have a high deductible. For a minimal cost, these medical cards can provide you with some good discounts, but don't be misled, because these cards are not meant to replace major medical insurance.
About the Author:
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