Purchasing life insurance coverage means different things to different people. When it's time for you to select your life insurance coverage, the very first thing you should do is to write down your goals. Why do you need life insurance at the time' Is it just to make it easier for your executor to take care of your final expenses' Or do you have people you need to care for' Whole life is a great tool if you are planning for big, once-in-a-lifetime expenses, such as college or retirement. Whole life also helps in retiring debt in case of death or disability, although term life might work for that, too. Consider exactly what you need your life insurance coverage to do before you decide which kind of policy is right one to buy. You may even find you need both whole and term coverage.
Second, you need to thoroughly examine your budget. Make sure you can afford life insurance. Figure out how much you can spend on premiums. Term life insurance tends to be cheaper. Those with temporary needs like a mortgage and child rearing expenses may find term insurance to fit their needs from both a goals and financial perspective. Others find that a permanent, whole life policy fits their needs, while others opt for a combination of term and whole life insurance policies. Whatever life insurance coverage you decide upon, make sure it fits into your budget as well. A qualified life insurance provider can discuss options with you.
Third, don't forget to calculate your earning power, especially if you need life insurance for income replacement. Most of us assume a three percent annual raise when estimating earning power, and most of us retire when we are 65 years old. However, select the scenario that best suits you and your lifestyle when calculating your future earning power. You want to make sure you are realistic in this calculation so you can accurately select the life insurance product that best suits your needs.
Finally, ask yourself this question: what stage are you at in life' Different people have different needs, depending on where they are in life. You might need a policy to simply provide a death benefit. If you have people dependent upon your income, then you need to think about making sure your income is replaced in the event of your death, devastating illness or accident. If you need more income for retirement, take that into consideration when mapping out what type of life insurance policy is going to help meet your needs.
Sit down and make a list of your goals, your budget and your earning power. Think about where you are in life and what you want to accomplish. Once you have these ideas mapped out, then you can decide on what life insurance product is right for you.
Second, you need to thoroughly examine your budget. Make sure you can afford life insurance. Figure out how much you can spend on premiums. Term life insurance tends to be cheaper. Those with temporary needs like a mortgage and child rearing expenses may find term insurance to fit their needs from both a goals and financial perspective. Others find that a permanent, whole life policy fits their needs, while others opt for a combination of term and whole life insurance policies. Whatever life insurance coverage you decide upon, make sure it fits into your budget as well. A qualified life insurance provider can discuss options with you.
Third, don't forget to calculate your earning power, especially if you need life insurance for income replacement. Most of us assume a three percent annual raise when estimating earning power, and most of us retire when we are 65 years old. However, select the scenario that best suits you and your lifestyle when calculating your future earning power. You want to make sure you are realistic in this calculation so you can accurately select the life insurance product that best suits your needs.
Finally, ask yourself this question: what stage are you at in life' Different people have different needs, depending on where they are in life. You might need a policy to simply provide a death benefit. If you have people dependent upon your income, then you need to think about making sure your income is replaced in the event of your death, devastating illness or accident. If you need more income for retirement, take that into consideration when mapping out what type of life insurance policy is going to help meet your needs.
Sit down and make a list of your goals, your budget and your earning power. Think about where you are in life and what you want to accomplish. Once you have these ideas mapped out, then you can decide on what life insurance product is right for you.
About the Author:
Tom Martens is the content syndication coordinator at Lifeinsurance-Southafrica.co.za South Arica?s leading Life Insurance and Life Cover portal.
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